X.AI IS HERE Elon’s Fight Against ‘Woke A.I’ ?

X.AI IS HERE Elon's Fight Against 'Woke A.I' ?

Today we’re going to Discuss on very hot topic i.e. X.AI IS HERE Elon’s Fight Against ‘Woke A.I’

Elon was an initial investor in Open-AI (the creator of Chat-GPT) and served on its board. However, he eventually parted ways with the company in 2018 to avoid a conflict of interest.

Now, Elon has launched his own A.I. company called “X. AI” with a vision to understand the “true nature of the universe.”

‘X’ has a special place in Elon’s heart. It was the name of his first startup (later named PayPal), the name of his child, and the corporate name of Twitter.


Elon Musk has been critical of ChatGPT and other AGIs becoming “woke” and exhibiting biases on certain topics: “The danger of training AI to be woke – in other words, lie – is deadly.”

The objective of X .AI is to essentially become “Truth-GPT,” an AGI language model that speaks based on facts and avoids political biases.

In his Fox interview, Musk states that while ChatGPT and Bard are focused on being politically correct, he will build a “truth-seeking AI.”

Musk’s concern with woke A.I goes deeper than culture. He highlights the risks of A.I ending humanity: “A path to A.I dystopia is to train A.I to be deceptive. A.I is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production… [It] has the potential for civilization destruction.”


Elon has hired engineers with experience at top tech companies, including Open-AI, Google Research, Microsoft Research, etc., to build the best possible product. He has taken Dan Hendricks on board, a researcher who currently leads the Center for AI Safety, a nonprofit that aims to “reduce societal-scale risks associated with AI.”

Commentators on A.I claim that X .AI will most probably be trained on tweets from Twitter and data from Tesla. Remember that back in December, Musk learned that Chat-GPT was using Twitter’s database and he “put it on pause.” Twitter’s data is X .AI’s moat.

Tesla collects a vast amount of data about how their vehicles are driven, how they are used, and how they are maintained. This data would allow X .AI to learn how to interact with people in a way that is similar to how Tesla cars interact with their drivers.

X .AI can be used to improve A.I systems in Tesla, Twitter, and possibly even SpaceX. This would also mean that Twitter’s algorithm and its ability to combat bots will improve significantly.


Neura-link is another Musk-founded company that is trying to build a direct computer-to-brain interface via an implantable small device.

It is quite possible that such an interface could then be enhanced or augmented by X .AI’s processing power and intelligence. This is exciting and frightening since it could open up new boundaries, such as direct translation of different languages or maybe a hackable human? Who knows what the future could look like, but I’d be first to sign up!


It’s no secret that A.I worries me, but at the same time I’m at the forefront of this technological revolution, hosting large A.I. spaces and incubating various start-ups in the industry.

Elon’s focus on an ‘unbiased’ A.I is in-line with his values at Twitter, and goes against the current status-quo among big tech.

Even yesterday we saw the dark side of censorship with the findings on the collusion between the FBI and Ukrainian intelligence with social media platforms.

If AGI surpasses human intelligence, allowing it the ability to censor or have bias, it could lead to detrimental results.

Strategically, Elon has an advantage with Twitter, Tesla and Neura-link. However his competition is fierce, and maintaining his moat by focusing on ‘unbiased truth’ makes X .AI a very exciting player in humanity’s biggest innovation in decades.